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Why choose Python for DevOps? Everything you need to know

Programming languages and DevOps DevOps is becoming really popular those times, and if you haven’t heard about it you...

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What is DevOps and how to learn it for free online?

Have you ever wondered what DevOps is actually? People are talking about it everywhere, it is one of the most demande...

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What Is Flexible Learning? Usecases in Online Courses

Flexible means being adaptable. That is it. It’s okay you can close the page. But really what flexible learning means...

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What is a learning path(roadmap), And how to learn from it

You can consider a roadmap as a set of resources organised in a chronological way to help you follow along and learn ...

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Why are roadmaps broken, And how to fix them?

If you have ever tried to learn something new from scratch starting with a roadmap and trying to follow along, I am c...

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Data science
Backend Nodejs
Backend PHP
Software development
UI design
UX design
Front-end React/Nextjs